Posted on December 1, 2012
December 1 , 2012
8:30 am
Venue SIX10
610 S Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL
The Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights has long been engaged in the fight to defend civil rights for all in Illinois. That’s why we’re so excited to be participating as an allied organization at ACLU:ENGAGE, an all-day gathering of hundreds of human rights and civil liberties activists, being held Saturday, December 1st in downtown Chicago by the ACLU of Illinois.
This conference will bring together lawyers, lawmakers, activists, artists and students in downtown Chicago to launch a civil liberties agenda for the next administration. As an allied organization, CCDBR members and supporters will receive the same registration rate as current ACLU members ($25 earlybird; $35 after October 31st) – just use the ticket code “CCDBR” when you sign up at
The keynote speaker is none other than Aasif Mandvi, Senior Middle East Correspondent for the Daily Show (you can see his discussion of the drug testing of welfare recipients here:
We hope you can join us for this exciting event, as we work together to advance civil liberties and human rights in Illinois,
The CCDBR Board