CCDBR and Team Internet: RED ALERT for Net Neutrality

Posted on May 9, 2018

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May 9 , 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Federal Plaza
230 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60604

CCDBR and Team Internet: RED ALERT for Net Neutrality

The Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights is hosting a demonstration in support of Team Internet’s RED ALERT campaign pushing Congress to defend net neutrality.

On May 9, a coalition of Senators will file a formal request to hold a vote through the Congressional Review Act to overturn the FCC’s rule change abolishing net neutrality protections. The demonstration, scheduled for the same day, aims to show support to Senator Durbin and Senator Duckworth, who have promised to vote in favor of nullifying the FCC order, and to urge Illinois members of the House of Representatives to follow suit and support the CRA measure to be originated in the Senate.

The Team Internet coalition is led by Fight for the Future, Battle for the Net, and Demand Progress, and draws upon the support of conscientious tech companies and civil liberties organizations across the country. We call on advocates of net neutrality in our community to join us and voice your support for a free and open internet, and make the will of the people known to our elected representatives.

For more information about our event, see the event page on Demand Progress here.

