Community Forum on Police Accountability

Posted on June 13, 2015

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June 13 , 2015
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Teamster Office Building
300 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL

Come and see what community control of the police really means for Chicago communities impacted by police crimes.

What is an all-elected Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC) and how is it designed to empower the people to hold police accountable?

How can we organize the fight for CPAC to end police crimes: murder, torture, rape, sexual harassment, profiling communities of color & immigrant communities, trans & gender non-conforming people—everyone affected by police violence?

Bring your families, neighbors, groups and organizations so we can work together to mobilize Chicagoans for the August 29th Mass March for CPAC “This Stops Today …We Can’t Breathe!”

Sign up and share via Facebook here.

