Crossroads Fund: Seeds of Change 2018

Posted on April 6, 2018

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April 6 , 2018
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Chicago Cultural Center GAR Hall
77 East Randolph Streeet
Chicago, IL 60601

Crossroads Fund: Seeds of Change 2018

On April 6, Crossroads Fund will be holding its annual benefit event to honor and support local community organizers. The event, Seeds of Change 2018, will feature a dinner and conclude with an award presentation for this year’s honorees. Additionally, Crossroads Fund will be holding a silent auction for attendees, the proceeds of which will support the organization’s work.

General admission tickets for the event start at $150, with $75 tickets made available for those with limited income. These and other admission packages are available for purchase here.

Crossroads Fund is a Chicago-based progressive organization with a mission to support campaigns by local activists pushing for “racial, social and economic justice.” In service of this mission, Crossroads Fund awards grants to movements and other organizations which demonstrate a commitment to, and ability to meaningfully advance, socially progressive and equitable reform in Chicago-area communities.

For more information on the event, see the listing on their site here.

