Film and Discussion Series Non-Violent Resistance to Human Rights Violation: Israel, Palestine, and the U.S. Justice Gone Awry – “USA vs. Al Arian”
Posted on February 2, 2013
February 2 , 2013
1:00 pm
Open Door Repertory Company
902 South Ridgeland
Oak Park, IL
From Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine (received via National Lawyers Guild):
Film and Discussion Series Non-Violent Resistance to Human Rights Violation: Israel, Palestine, and the U.S. Justice Gone Awry – “USA vs. Al Arian”
Saturday February 2, 2013 1:00 p.m.
Free Admission / Discussion to Follow
Location: Open Door Repertory Company, 902 South Ridgeland, Oak Park, Illinois (On-street parking and free parking at Scheck & Siress lot– across from the theater. Closest el stop: Blue Line Oak Park Ave.)
Film Introduction: Hatem Abudayyeh, Executive Director Arab-American Action Network
Norwegian filmmaker Line Halvorsen’s award-winning documentary about Sami Al-Arian’s case is a troubling story of justice gone awry in the U.S. today. First arrested in 2003 and despite the government’s failure to convict him, Sami Al-Arian remains in jail to this day. Glenn Greenwald has said, “Dr. Sami Al-Arian, a Palestinian whose ongoing persecution by the U.S. Government is one of the most repellent and unjust of any in the post-9/11 era.” Following the movie, our special guest, Ali Al-Arian, son of Sami and student at the University of Chicago, will update us on the case. We will discuss the implications of Sami Al-Arian’s situation for civil liberties in the U.S. in general and also for Chicago-area Palestinian solidarity activists who have endured years of legal harassment.
Sponsor: Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine | | Phone 312.427.2533×19
The Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine’s community education and dialogue series provides a platform for perspectives not frequently covered in the mainstream media. Series events include films, lectures by distinguished authors, activists, scholars, and religious and political figures, and other forms of public outreach.