Humor From My Pen @ Calles y Sueños Gallery
Posted on March 9, 2012
March 9 - 14, 2012
All Day
Calles y Sueños Gallery
1900 S. Carpenter
Chicago, Illinois
Humor From My Pen: An exhibit of political cartoons by Gerardo Hernández at the Calles y Sueños Gallery, .
The exhibit opens on Friday, March 9, 2012 and continues until April 28, 2012. Programs and films are included in this month-long event.
Gerardo Hernández is one of the Cuban 5 who are locked up, some for life, in U.S. prisons for blowing the whistle on “anti-Castro” terrorists operating out of Miami. Their release is supported by former President James Carter, 10 Nobel Laureates, a wide range of U.S. celebrities (including Ed Asner, Bonnie Raitt, Ed Asner, Danny Glover, and Jackson Browne), and also is the single featured “Unfair Trial” in Amnesty International’s latest U.S. human rights report.
The exhibit is backed by an array of academic, artistic, community, and political figures. The opening will feature:
+ a solidarity celebration with victims and fighters against torture and false imprisonment
+ appearances by Alicia Jrapko (Int’l Ctte. to Free the Five) andZoe Franklin (Chicago Council on Black Studies)
+ the First Annual Chicago Cuba Film Festival, screening four movies, two of which are Chicago premieres.
+ a poetry event featuring Miguel Barnet,president of Cuba’s Writers and Artist Union.
+ other presentations and events (including a full-sized recreation of Gerardo’s prison cell).
To view the full schedule of events and films, go to, or contact the coalition at Chicago Cuba Coalition 312.952.2618, Calles y Sueños Gallery, 773.208.0553.