“I am a Mom” Action (We Stand by the Moms!)
Posted on April 4, 2012
April 4 , 2012
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
James R. Thompson Center
100 W Randolph St.
Chicago, Illinois
WHEN: Wednesday, April 4 from NOON to 1:00 pm
WHERE: James R. Thompson Center at 100 W Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601
WHAT: We will march peacefully from the IDOC headquarters and
governor’s office at the James R. Thompson Center over to AFSCME,
Council 31 headquarters at 205 N. Michigan Avenue. We will be lead by
the moms, dads, sisters, and other loved-ones of men at Tamms.
WHY: To remind the governor, the Illinois Department of Corrections
and the public that closing Tamms supermax is not about jobs, but
about human dignity. Our march will honor the legacy of Martin Luther
King, Jr. on the 44th anniversary of his assassination in Memphis, and
commemorate his collaboration with AFSCME in their common effort to
win rights for striking sanitation workers.
Our marchers will carry signs that read “I AM A MAN” just like those
carried in Memphis, but here signifying that men at Tamms, and
prisoners everywhere have fundamental human rights. Other signs will
read “I AM A MOM” and “I AM A SON” to indicate that the families of
men at Tamms are also devastated by the prison’s soul destroying
regime of solitary confinement and sensory deprivation.