Invisible Insitute’s Youth/Police Conference
Posted on April 24, 2015
April 24 - 25, 2015
All Day
University of Chicago Law School
1111 E 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
For the past four years, the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic of the University of Chicago Law School and the Invisible Institute have collaborated in a project focused on everyday encounters between black youth and Chicago police officers.
They have learned a great deal from their conversations with the teenagers. Their stories have challenged common perceptions and moved many to rethink the nature of public safety. By placing the experiences and perspectives of black youth at the center of the discourse, the Invisible Institute hope to enrich the national conversation about police practices, relations, and accountability.
Each panel will begin with a short video, multimedia piece, or performance prepared for the conference in collaboration with the high school students involved in the project. A moderated public conversation among three to four panelists will explore questions and issues raised by the introductory material. There will be significant interplay with the audience. Unlike the traditional academic conference, speakers are not asked to present a formal talk or paper. The conversations will be the essence of the event.
Information on the conference, its panels and attendance registration can be found here.