LPL: Workshop on Public Records Requests (FOIA)
Posted on November 12, 2018
November 12 , 2018
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Blue Lacuna
2150 Canalport
Chicago, Illinois 60608
LPL: Workshop on Public Records Requests (FOIA)
On November 12, CCDBR partner organization Lucy Parsons Labs will be hosting a free workshop on filing public records requests, more commonly known as FOIA requests. LPL staff and volunteers will give a short presentation on the information that can be requested from government agencies and the best techniques for wording and submitting requests, followed by a hands-on workshop in which participants can receive coaching.
LPL has a long history of successful and illuminating FOIA requests, and focuses its work primarily on uncovering misconduct in Chicago, particularly the Chicago Police Department. Their work has led them to partnerships with, among other organizations, the Chicago Reader and MuckRock, and has helped inspire reform legislation in the state of Illinois.
The event is free, and open to members of the public of all ages. LPL encourages attendees to RSVP, though prospective attendees are free to walk in.
For more information, see LPL’s Facebook Event page here.