Organizing meeting for NATO5

Posted on August 30, 2012

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August 30 , 2012
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

CCDBR Office
1325 S Wabash Ave

From the NATO5 support campaign:

State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez is holding a $200 per head fundraiser for her reelection campaign at the White Sox game against the Detroit Tigers on Wednesday, September 12. The game begins at 7:10 pm.

Alvarez’s office is prosecuting the NATO 5 cases (for more info, while refusing to press charges against the various police officers and department involved in a rash of murders of Black and Latino people across the city and the state.

Chicago activists are asking you to come to this organizing meeting in order to plan this action.
The point of the action will be to expose State’s Attorney Alvarez’s unwillingness to pursue violent police while wasting resources on targeting activists. And we are hopeful that this action will bring together many different constituencies and organizations in the Chicago area—police brutality activists, Occupy, antiwar groups, and Arab, South Asian and Muslim communities.

Because we wanted to include other interested folks in the planning and execution of the action, outreach to a number of groups and individuals is already underway.

Join us at the organizing meeting on Thursday, August 30, at 1325 S Wabash, rm 105 (ring bell for Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights), at 6 pm.

At the meeting, we will decide the specifics of the action, how to carry out media work, etc. See everyone there!

