Rally for Justice at Homan Square
Posted on March 5, 2015
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March 5 , 2015
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Homan Square
3379 W. Fillmore St.
Chicago, IL
FightBack News:
We are outraged by the existence of the notorious Homan Square facility, where Chicago police illegally hold civilians, torture, intimidate and deny them their rights! We clearly understand that the Homan Square facility would not exist without the complicity and protection of Mayor Emanuel and Anita Alvarez, Illinois Cook County District Attorney. We demand Homan be shut down now!We cannot emphasize enough that this warehouse of police terror is not the only site where police violence and denial of due process take place. This is ‘business as usual’ in every Chicago Police Station, where it is predominantly members of African American and Latino communities who are tortured, abused and never allowed access to a phone or legal representation. Just in case we all need reminding—the right to counsel is triggered the moment a person is under arrest or not free to leave a police interaction. We well know that this right is most often denied, emphasizing yet again the urgent need for community control of the police through an elected Civilian Police Accountability Council.