ACTION ALERT: National call-in day August 29: Stop ongoing Grand Jury repression in the Northwest
Posted on August 29, 2012
From the Committee to Stop FBI Repression:
Call In Day – Wednesday, August 29th: We are asking for people to call the US Attorney again this Wednesday, August 29th. Call Jenny Durkan at (800) 797-6722 and leave a message with the person who answers the phone. Last call in day, they tried to send people to a voicemail box. If they attempt to do that, tell whoever you are talking to that you would like to leave a message with them and not a voicemail.
An example of what you might say:
“Hi. I am Jolene Seaside. I am calling about the grand jury being impaneled in Seattle tomorrow, August 30th. This case clearly shows that the FBI and government are persecuting political dissent in our country. It is despicable that US attorney and the government are harassing and intimating this group of people for their political beliefs. I demand that the grand jury and investigation be ended immediately, that the governments repression of social movements stop, and that any items seized in the raids be returned. Thank you for taking my comments.”
When you call the U.S Attorney’s office, please let them know that you are speaking for yourself and not the individuals resisting the grand jury subpoenas. Be aware of how the things you say will impact the people you are trying to help. If you make a call, please email us ( and let us know how what kind of response you got from the Attorney’s office.
On August 2nd, we overwhelmed the US attorney’s office in Washington with phone calls demanding an end to the grand jury. We want to keep up the pressure and make sure the US attorney knows we are still standing firmly in solidarity with those resisting the grand jury.
Read more online at Committee to Stop FBI Repression.