ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Stand up for your Constitutional Rights @ BORDC

Posted on August 28, 2012

From Bill of Rights Defense Committee:

Don’t forget! August recess is coming to a close and now is the time to raise your voice and tell Congress to stand up for your rights! How have you contacted your congressperson? Check out our petition today!

Our rights and liberties have eroded under overbroad—and un-American—national security policies. This year, our representatives in Washington will have several chances to help restore constitutional rights.

Under both Democrats and Republicans, our federal government has claimed vast powers that threaten democracy and freedom in America. The PATRIOT Act dramatically expanded government power a decade ago—and Congress approved even worse laws since then, two of which it will consider extending this fall.

Congress will soon consider extending dragnet domestic surveillance and wiretapping authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). It will also craft the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), currently set to extend our military’s authority to detain anyone within the US—even you—indefinitely, without trial or any proof of crime.

Read more and act with BORDC today.

