“Announcing the Chicago Anti-Poverty Law Collective” @ NLG Chicago

Posted on June 29, 2012

From National Lawyers Guild Chicago:

The Chicago Anti-Poverty Law Collective is a brand new educational, networking, and social service group dedicated to ensuring the legal rights of economically disadvantaged Chicagoans.

We are pleased to announce the first major undertaking of the Chicago Anti-Poverty Law Collective: bringing tenants, lawyers, law students, and legal workers together to ensure quality legal representation at little or no cost to Chicago public housing tenants facing eviction. If you are a lawyer, law student, or legal worker interested in becoming involved in this exciting and necessary project, please contact us. We need your help to keep the most vulnerable members of our community from being wrongfully thrown out onto the street. A small group of lawyers and non-lawyers have been defending public housing tenants in eviction court for several months, and we need YOUR help so WE CAN KEEP PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES!

Please email us at chicagoantipoverty@gmail.com and let’s talk about how you can get involved! Housing is a human right!


John Mounce
Attorney and co-founder of the Chicago Anti-Poverty Law Collective

