BORDC releases February newsletter; highlights Chicago new anti-torture resolution
Posted on February 15, 2012
Excerpts below —- check out the full newsletter at BORDC’s website.
Constitution in Crisis: The Bill of Rights Defense Committee’s monthly newsletter
In this issue:
- Tim Smith appointed to vice president of board of directors
- Vince Warren joins advisory board
- BORDC in the news
- BORDC’s Shahid Buttar to speak in Hartford, New York, Dallas, St. Louis, and Chicago
- Get the latest news and analysis on our blog
Grassroots News
- Patriot Award: Naji Mujahid
- Day of action against the NDAA sees events across the country
- Northampton, MA: Coalition challenges the NDAA’s detention provisions
- Connecticut: Coalition to host convening to oppose indefinite detention
- East Haven, CT: DOJ arrests police, prompting new calls for statewide profiling protections
- Washington, DC: Nation’s capital considers limiting cooperation with federal requests
- Asheville, NC: Vote expected on surveillance and profiling reforms
- Greensboro, NC: Mobilization for civil rights condemns FBI abuses
- Chicago, IL: Local resolution would create America’s first “torture-free city”
- San Francisco, CA: Coalition celebrates reform proposal to reign in local surveillance
- Berkeley, CA: Groups mobilize to limit local participation in fusion center
Law and Policy
- New revelations show even more surveillance by the NYPD
- SOPA and PIPA: Freedom of speech survives the digital age…for now
- FBI suspicious of Internet users concerned about privacy
- Supreme Court rules GPS tracking requires a warrant—sometimes
New Resources and Opportunities