BORDC Releases June Newsletter
Posted on June 20, 2012
June 2012, Vol. 11, No. 6
In this issue:
2013 NDAA could make indefinite detention provisions even worse
- BORDC in the news
- BORDC welcomes new staff and board members
- Recent BORDC events
- Upcoming BORDC events
- Unitarian Universalist Annual General Assembly in Phoenix, Arizona: Mobilizing Communities against Police Profiling
- Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia, PA, June 30 – July 4
- Dallas Peace Center 8th Annual Summer Dinner Lecture: July 12 in Dallas, TX
- Washington, DC forum on the “war on terror” and the prison-industrial complex
- San Francisco Bay Area mobilizes to resist domestic military detention
- Get the latest news and analysis from the People’s Blog for the Constitution
- Activist interviews from BORDC’s May 2012 Civil Rights Organizers Convening in Chicago
Grassroots News
- Patriot Award: Eliza Martíinez
- Diverse movement challenges NYPD discriminatory practices
- Rhode Island becomes latest state to challenge domestic military detention
- Amherst, MA: Town Meeting rejects local immigration enforcement
- Connecticut: Statewide coalition mobilizes to oppose NDAA, S-COMM
- Takoma Park, MD: City Council votes to uphold rule of law
- Asheville, NC: Local coalition is “Burning for Civil Liberties”
- Washington, DC: City Council limits cooperation with ICE
- Berkeley, CA: City Council to vote on measures to reform police practices
- Los Angeles, CA: Diverse coalition meets to continue anti-surveillance advocacy
Law and Policy
- Congress cans the Constitution, as Chicago police abduct activists
- Goodbye blue sky? Elected officials respond to the easing of FAA restrictions on flying drones in US airspace
- FISA to be reauthorized despite its threat to privacy, as Supreme Court reviews court challenge
- The FBI and Facebook: “Going Dark” with CALEA
New Resources and Opportunities
- Book Review: Taking Liberties: the War on Terror and the Erosion of American Democracyby Susan Herman
- Torture Awareness Month events planned across the throughout June
- How to help your federal representatives restore your rights
Read the whole newsletter online at BORDC.