“Chicago Asked Not To Stifle Wireless At Summits” @ FoxNews.com
Posted on February 19, 2012
Associated Press — February 15, 2012: “Protesters are coming by the thousands to Chicago, armed with smartphones, video cameras and social media links that will allow them to instantly map strategy, share plans and disseminate images of what’s happening — right in front of a police force renowned for responding with tough tactics.
Now a city councilman wants to forbid the Police Department from pulling the plug on all that electronic communication during the G-8 and NATO summits in May, taking away a tactic employed by authorities during a crackdown on democratic protests in Egypt but also in the San Francisco Bay Area during protests there last year.
‘We’re putting down a marker and saying, this has happened in other places and we don’t even want it considered here,’ said Alderman Ricardo Munoz, who will propose his anti-crackdown ordinance at a Chicago City Council meeting Wednesday.”
Read more at Fox News.