EVENT ALERT: Connect the dots: NATO5 — Guantanamo — CMUs — Supermax — and Beyond!

Posted on January 9, 2013

Check out the following events on Friday and Saturday that will help connect the dots between the NATO5 and other repression in the US:
Jan 11th – 11 Years of Guantanamo! Shut it Down!
Fri Jan 11 – noon – Federal Plaza (Dearborn & Adams) Chicago
Meet in Federal Plaza at 12 pm for a rally and press conference. From Federal Plaza we will have a side walk march to AMC East Theater to protest the message of the film Zero Dark Thirty which falsely claims that torture is necessary to keep us safe. We say that torture is wrong period! Each participating organization will have a photo and the story of a man still being held at Guantanamo. Please join us on January 11th to say Guantanamo: Shut it Down! End U.S. Indefinite Detention and Torture Everywhere

Participating groups include Chicago chapter of World Can’t Wait, Illinois Coalition against Torture, 8th Day Center for Justice, Amnesty International, and more.

Prisoner Solidarity Event
Sat Jan 12 – noon to 5pm – St. Luke’s Logan Square, Chicago
On the day following the 11th anniversary of the opening of the Guantanamo Detention Center, this event brings together people in the Chicago area who are working on a support and legal advocacy for a range of prisoners in the archipelago of U.S. prisons.
Learn about cases, write to prisoners, join with others who are seeking to reverse systemic injustice in the U.S.
Refreshments, music, and review of videos and other educational materials.

At both events, we will be speaking about the connections between:

* Guantanamo (see http://www.nogitmos.org/witnessagainsttorturechicago)
* Muslim prisoners in U.S. federal prisons such as Marion, IL, and Terre Haute, IN (see http://salamillinois.blogspot.com/ )
* the NATO5 (see http://nato5.occupychi.org/ )
* drone resisters such as Brian Terrell (see http://nodronesmissouri.blogspot.com/2012/11/brian-terrell-i-go-in-solidarity-with.html )
* victims of torture-by-sensory-deprivation (“solitary confinement”), including prisoners at TAMMS (see http://www.yearten.org/)
* Bradley Manning
* others

Thank you! Hope to see you at one or both of these events!

