EVENT ALERT: Thurs. @ 7:00p — Hear from CCDBR Director Andrew Bashi at “Free the NATO 5”
Posted on December 4, 2012
Come hear CCDBR Director Andrew Bashi & other awesome activists discuss the policing of dissent and the NATO 5.
Thursday, December 6 @ 7p
Loyola Univeristy
25 E. Pearson
Find out more on Facebook:
“PANEL to feature . . .
SARAH GELSOMINO, National Lawyers Guild member and NATO 5 defense attorney
ANDREW BASHI, Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
ADESINA CLAY, Network to Support the NATO 5
MATT X. Occupy Chicago
In order to prepare for the trials of the NATO 5 expected to begin sometime in 2013, it is essential that we start now to build a proactive campaign of public education about how the government— in Chicago and across the country—is cracking down on dissent and our civil liberties.
Let’s turn the tables!
In the months ahead, the NATO 5 Defense Committee will be teaming with other organizations, activists and individuals committed to defending the right to live free of police infiltration, entrapment and harassment.
Join us on for a forum on December 6 to discuss:
* an update on the NATO 5 case,
* outlines of a proposed public education campaign,
* description of ways for you and/or your organization to join this effort
In 2013, let’s make our story heard!
Part one of a series — “POLICING DISSENT: Infiltration, entrapment, and the NATO5”