EVENT ALERT: Today (12/5) @ 7p — Occupy Chicago General Assembly

Posted on December 5, 2012

Find out more and RSVP on Facebook.

EVERY Wednesday at 7pm @ 500 W. Cermak, Room 501
(1/2 Mile West of the Cermak-Chinatown Redline Stop)

The Occupy Chicago General Assembly is an open forum for discussion on a whole range of issues. This is a great place to get oriented, bring ideas you would like to make happen, and meet other people who are already involved.

“The General Assembly is the main regular gathering of the members of Occupy Chicago. It is also the primary manifestation of the democratic practice and spirit of Occupy as well as a vehicle for introducing new people to the movement and growing the movement. By coming together we get to know each other, we can plan to do things together, and we see that we have strength in numbers. All Occupiers are therefore encouraged to attend the GA. Together we can change the world. Apart we will not.”

[Approved by Occupy Chicago General Assembly, 10/27/12]

