“Fighting the Corporate Prison Industry: Citizens of One Illinois Town Fight CCA Immigration Detention Facility” @ Alternet
Posted on May 25, 2012
American Independent News Network / By Siddhartha Mahanta — May 18, 2012: “The fight over a proposed privately run federal immigration detention center in Illinois is raising thorny questions about the benefits and drawbacks of these facilities.
Since late last year, the Corrections Corporation of America has been embroiled in a stand-off over the proposed center, slated for construction just outside of Chicago in the small, relatively affluent village of Crete. Bolstered by state and congressional lawmakers, local activists aim to beat back the proposed facility, citing CCA’s less-than-sterling track record on alleged prisoner abuses and its role in helping carry out what they perceive as the government’s anti-immigrant policies…………………………………………………..”
Read more at Alternet.