“House takes up legislative scholarships and eavesdropping law” @ IL Issues Blog
Posted on March 22, 2012
Jamey Dunn — March 21, 2012: “The House voted down a measure that would allow citizens to make audio recordings of on-duty police officers. Rep. Elaine Nekritz, a sponsor of HB 3944, said that the measure was meant to “level the playing field” because police officers can record suspects — such as a recording made at a DUI stop — while taping a police officer is a felony that can carry a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. “It would allow a citizen to record a public officer performing public duties on public property,” the Northbrook Democrat said of her bill. Illinois’ strict provision in its eavesdropping law applying to public officials has come under scrutiny lately as some high-profile cases have played out in the state’s courts. Several defendants arrested for recording police have said that they had no idea they were breaking the law until they found themselves facing felony charges.
Opponents to HB 3944 said that allowing citizens to record on-duty officers could interfere with police operations……………..”
Read more at Illinois Issues Blog.