“Issue Brief: IPRA Review – More Access Needed” @ Chicago Justice Project
Posted on October 24, 2012
“Analysis of IPRA’s first four years of operations uncovers that their rate of sustaining citizen complaints against CPD officers is identical to its predecessor and also hundreds of taser investigations they are required to conduct by city ordinance are not being completed.
We urge the Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA) to move towards releasing case-level data that can truly be used to inform communities. This public data can be used to significantly increase community understanding and trust in the police oversight system in Chicago. Communities must be empowered with the ability to track a complaint through to a final disposition, something that is currently impossible given the restrictions on data. IPRA’s resources will need to be expanded, as IPRA is currently an underfunded agency whose funding has not kept up with its growing responsibilities. As a condition of expanding IPRA’s resources, mandates for transparency must be attached to any increase………………..”
Read more at Chicago Justice Project.