Join Amnesty International in Reparations Call for Survivors of Torture by Chicago Police

Posted on April 11, 2015

Join the call for reparations for victims of torture!

Between 1972 and 1991, Chicago police systematically tortured at least 100 suspects with electric shocks, beatings, and mock executions.

Not one single officer has ever been convicted of torture. Today, statutes of limitations mean that no one can be.

But survivors can be given the reparations they need to heal, and there is an ordinance pending in Chicago City Council that would do just that. It has the support of more than half of the City Council. Now, we need Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to show his leadership by publicly supporting the ordinance.

Help us remind him that the eyes of the world are on Chicago in advance of April 14, when City Council will hold a hearing on reparations for police torture.

Take action here.

