Tribute: A Brunch with Stan Willis

Posted on April 7, 2013

Join CCDBR in honoring Stan Willis on June 22 from 11:30 – 2:30.

Brunch followed by program.

Location: Small Business Center, Amberg Hall, 1140 N. Lamon Ave., Chicago

Contribution: $50/person (benefits CCDBR and Bill of Rights Foundation)

To purchase tickets:
Purchase tickets online by visiting our donation page, and note “Stan Willis Brunch Tickets” in the “Designation” line, OR
— Download registration form and mail in your payment.

To RSVP (tickets will call at the event):
Contact Brenetta Howell Barrett (312.733.9692) or Bob Clarke (773.281.5164), or email Bob Clarke,

For information, call: Brenetta Howell Barrett (312.733.9692) or Bob Clarke (773.281.5164), or email Bob Clarke,

