“Supreme Court hears arguments on FISA, warrantless wiretapping” @ Bill of Rights Defense Committee

Posted on November 8, 2012

Annette Malcuso — November 7, 2012: “Last week, the Untied States Supreme Court heard arguments in Clapper v. Amnesty Internationalin which the court will determine if those challenging the  Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act  have the ability to do so in US federal courts. FISA allows for the electronic surveillance of international communications including both phone calls and e-mails. Unfortunately, this decision is not going to augment or get rid of FISA. It is the initial step to see if the law can be challenged at all.  FISA was passed in 1978 as a law that required the government to obtain a warrant from a specially assigned court to partake in the electronic surveillance of communicating from or to the Untied States.

In a recent article, “House votes to extend FISA for five years, inviting more unconstitutional surveillance“, BORDC communications specialist Samantha A. Peetros explains how FISA began and how it has transformed since Congress’ re-authorization of the 2008 FISA amendments………..”

Read more at BORDC.

