Upcoming Events: Week of May 27, 2013
Posted on May 26, 2013
Red Squad Symposium
WHEN: June 1, 9:00a — 3:00p
WHERE: Chicago History Museum
DESCRIPTION: Over much of the 20th century, Chicago’s Police Surveillance Unit monitored “subversives” and stored what it discovered in its Red Squad records. These days, the Chicago History Museum holds that material as part of a special archive. Attorney Richard Gutman, who helped lead the legal fight against the Red Squad, will be a featured speaker. Cost: $30, $20 members; includes lunch.Purchase tickets here.
Teach-in: Assata Shakur
WHEN: June 4, 2013 at 5:30p
WHERE: Chicago Freedom School, 719 S. State Street, Suite 3N
DESCRIPTION: Gender Just will offer an Assata Teach-in. This will include queer radical history as well, including details on STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries) and more! This is open to the public but you must RSVP to attend. Contact Yasmin Nair at nairyasmin@gmail.com to RSVP for this teach-in.
Tribute: A Brunch with Stan Willis
WHEN: June 22, 11:30a – 2:30p
WHERE: Small Business Center, Amberg Hall, 1140 N. Lamon Ave., Chicago
DESCRIPTION: Save the date! Join CCDBR in honoring Stan Willis on June 22 from 11:30 – 2:30. Brunch, followed by program. For information/reservations, call: Brenetta Howell Barrett (312.733.9692) or Bob Clarke (773.281.5164), or email Bob Clarke, Shango1@aol.com.