Weekly News Update — April 29, 2013

Posted on April 28, 2013

This week in Chicago’s civil liberties news…

Have you reserved your ticket to June 22nd’s Tribute: A Brunch with Stan Willis? Purchase tickets now by visiting our donation page, and note “Stan Willis Brunch Tickets” in the “Designation” line.

In other news…

INCREASING SURVEILLANCE?: WBEZ’s Katie O’Brien discusses how the use of surveillance cameras in apprehending the Boston bombing suspects might affect law enforcement practice in Chicago.

BOSTON, IMMIGRATION DETAINERS & CHICAGO: WBEZ’s Chip Mitchell reports on the Judicial Watch’s Boston-inspired suit to challenge Cook County’s ordinance requiring jail personnel to disregard federal immigration detainers.

NEW PROGRAM TO INTERCEPT VIA INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS: EFF reports on EPIC’s recently obtained FOIA documents that show the government’s new program to intercept communications obtained through internet service providers.

PROTECTING THE CLOUD: Legislation to extend additional privacy protections to data in the cloud passed out of the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee last week, reports EPIC.

RECORDING INTERROGATIONS: Chicago Tribune’s Dan Hinkel discusses the practical implication of the interrogation recording requirement in two recent cases.

MORE ON INTERROGATIONS: Dan Hinkel discusses the legislation up in Springfield to codify the interrogation recording requirement in Sunday’s Tribune.

CROWDING OVERCROWDED JAILS?: Chicago Reporter’s Yana Kunichoff speculates on the implications of Rahm’s tough-on-crime line against public urination and drinking.

