“WikiLeaks Exposes Department of Homeland Security Spying on Occupy Movement” @ Truthout
Posted on February 29, 2012
Allison Kilkenny — February 29, 2012: “Rolling Stone’s Michael Hastings last night posted a story on an internal DHS report entitled “SPECIAL COVERAGE: Occupy Wall Street,” dated October of last year. The five-page report, part of five million newly leaked documents obtained by Wikileaks, sums up the history of the movement and assesses its “impact” on the financial services and government facilities.
In an interview on Citizen Radio, Hastings talked about the monitoring by DHS and also the leaked emails from Stratfor, a leading private intelligence firm Hastings describes as the “shadow CIA.”
The process of combing through the huge amount of leaked documents has only just begun, but Hastings considers the revelation that the government was keeping tabs on OWS to be the biggest news so far to come out of the latest dump.
The monitoring, or spying (depending on how generous one is feeling), process included DHS scouring OWS-related Twitter feeds…..”
Read more at Truthout.